Features of BookNet Platform You Should Know About

BookNet is a well-known international self-publishing literary platform that provides efficient reading of e-books. BookNet contests are organized by publishers, while winners of these contests get their book published in print and receive all the rewards. If you succeed in the contest, you will be lucky enough to get your novel printed by a reliable publisher.

Reading Books Online

At BookNet.com, authors have to post their works for free or sell them to publishers for reasonable prices. They have to monetize even those books which are still not fully completed. Selling drafts of your novel by subscription makes it easy for you to get money during the writing process.

Flexible self-publishing: Publishing free books at Booknet.com is a nice thing to get some benefits from. This online resource always aims to promote their authors’ works through social media and search engines like Google and Opera. By posting books for free, authors catch readers’ attention who might want to purchase those texts.

Chargeable subscription: An author can get a commercial rating by getting a paid subscription. A subscription work is viewed as an unfinished piece of work. An average subscription addresses the period of three months. Consequently, the author keeps distributing the same book in a completed format.

Efficient book sales: You can purchase your complete eBooks at Booknet.com operating as a virtual retailer. Only those authors who open at least one subscription have the opportunity to distribute finished books.

Selling Books Online

In most cases, a finished eBook is addressed with a pirates’ possession on the day of its release. This fact results in the rapid decline of sales and the increase of losses for authors and publishers. Booknet.com is there to sort out this issue. Their system of blogs and reviews provides you with the latest updates.

The number of Booknet users who read books online can be boosted. Thus, every author who creates a paid subscription on BookNet can use free banners and massive advertisement campaigns for each specific book.

The search engine optimization system encourages new readers to join. Your name will be required at the first stage of online search. Further, their experts develop ads, settings, and campaigns. Simply, they open a paid subscription in order to maintain books’ popularity.